Implicit Egotism & Nominative Determinism - A Working List Challenging the Notion of Free Will
The Point of this post is to serve as a working list of real life examples where people's names seem oddly deterministic to their lives. As weak psychological effects, they are a personal curiosity, and I'd like to remember them after noticing them. Derek Chauvin : The now famous police officer responsible for the death of George Floyd, an event which had reverberations around the world, has an unfortunately coincidental name. I could not help but notice that the racist intentions which have been cast against Officer Chauvin are made in the interesting political light of the current moment, where is being used as an example of the problematic alignment of police officers with certain white-national and jingoistic ideologies. The question then becomes, does/did this officers namesake influence his personality in any way - was the death of George Floyd a result of an overly chauvin istic officers abuse? It's impossible to ...